Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Missouri Trying Alternate Schooling Methods...

Slowly, but surely, I am seeing innovative efforts in the great state of Missouri to branch away from the traditional and sometimes failing education program. The state implemented, for the first time, a virtual school year. This allows children to work from home or the neighborhood library...anywhere that has Internet. Courses are available 24 hours a day and seven days a week. This program allows all schools throughout Missouri to offer students equal access to a broader array of coursework, let alone allowing more flexibility and a potentially easier learning environment. The fact remains, not every child in the public education program in Missouri has access to a great education and this can be seen as one step closer to that...granting something to everyone, independent of where they live. Additionally, this program could help children with disabilities who may have problems physically getting to schools, or for those students who need to take classes in which their teachers are not able to teach well. The possibilities are endless. Of course, being the first year, there are always hurdles to jump through and lessons to learn. Either way...it is some sort of change!

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