Friday, October 31, 2008

When Will the Madness Stop?

When will people realize things need to change before anything will get better? When will they realize the schools are failing the children? It is hard to take a bold stance against something that hasn’t changed in so many years, it is hard to fight against school systems and administrators, and it is hard to stand apart.
Missouri is facing several important house and senate races. We need to pay attention to who is running and what they stand for. We also need to look at those people who attack people positions and look at their misguided reasoning.
The race between Republican Luann Ridgeway and Democrat Sandra Aust for the 17th senate seat sure is worth looking into.
This is taken from the Kansas City Star:
She talks in general about being for children and being for schools,” Aust said, “but that’s not her voting record.”
Ridgeway says she has never voted for school vouchers that would provide tax money to parents to pay for their children to attend private schools. But Aust says that’s misleading.
“She calls it tuition tax credits, but it’s all the same,” Aust said, adding that it takes taxpayer money away from public schools and shifts that money to religious and private schools. “We need to be lifting up our teachers and our schools, and making sure we’re doing everything we can to improve our schools.”

Aust says it is all the same, but it is not. Tuition tax credits do not take money away from the schools, additionally, there are several types of tax credits, it is impossible to lump them all together. The bill from last session would give tax credits to donors who give to scholarship granting organizations. The students would then use THAT money to choose their school. The original school does not lose money. Two scenarios here: Aust truly doesn’t understand the difference, or she does know the truth and is trying to use scare tactics. I bet I know which one it is...but either scenario is disturbing!
Ridgeway said she has sponsored a bill for tax credits to provide scholarships for low income students in failing schools to attend private schools. She believes the Kansas City School District is on the verge of failing. Urban school districts have asked for more money and more time, she said, while students attending them have gotten less than adequate education.
“We have to continue working on improving the system,” Ridgeway said.
We need to elect someone who can also promote change and fix the failing status quo!!!

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