Wednesday, December 12, 2007

A Reader writes...

Susan Meyers says:

I must say, I have never written to a blog before on something so personal. BUT here goes. We all heard about the kid who shot randomly at the Omaha, Nebraska mall last week. Sad, I don't even know his name, however they (the media) keep saying "he had ADHD", "kids, especially boys have such problems with ADHD." I am so sick of the media clumping EVERY CHILD with a special needs into the same category as this kid.

If you read and listen, he was lost "in the system." I think a lot of systems to be honest. Where was the school system? Where were they to help this kid? I'm not blaming a school system, but my gosh you have a child a good 6 hours a day, did you see NOTHING? Did you recognize NOTHING? And if you did, what did you do to help him? What about all these kids with ADHD, autism, learning disabilities, etc.? We NEED THE SCHOOLS to help them get through. You do realize MOST kids can grow out of their ADHD. Not entirely, but they start out 3 years less mature than their piers. Eventually, they can catch up, even out, whatever the correct words are some even don't need medicine anymore.

BUT until that happens we need schools to help them through. So that when they graduate they don't feel like they aren't smart enough to go on. They need to know they are NOT losers, they need to know what they are good at and focus there. We need to help them find a path to follow that is good for them. Please don't give up on these kids. Please help these kids. We don't need anymore holiday shootings at the mall. My son has ADHD and he struggles everyday with self esteem and some depression. I wish the school could/would work with me to find his path. I wish someone would.

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