Monday, December 10, 2007

Special Needs Students Deserve a Chance!

Not that I am here to promote one presidential candidate over another, but several of Rudy Giuliani’s points hits home for me. Rudy says “We’re going to take the decision-making and we’re going to put it in the hands of the people who really know the children, really love the children, really care about the children, more than anyone else: the parents.” In addition to creating federal school voucher programs and expanding charter school options, another goal is to:

“Provide Choice Within The Disabilities Education Act: Rudy’s plan will allow states to use Federal IDEA funds to enable the families of special education students to seek out appropriate placement in both public and private schools.”

I live in a small rural area of Southwest Missouri. Not only do we not have choice for every child, we do not even have a choice for those children with special needs. My sister’s child was diagnosed with autism three years ago. Her daughter, Susan, has an IEP (Individualized Education Program). This is a good program, although children are not always getting what they need. The public school we have is not suited to educate Susan and others like her, properly. If a plan like Giuliani’s were in effect, Susan and others would be able to transfer to other schools, be private or public, that can do what is needed. A child with special needs has every chance of becoming successful later in life, but not if they are not given the tools to get there. The parents, who know their children the best, should be able to decide if their child is getting what is needed. Why should someone else determine the fate of these children?

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