Thursday, March 27, 2008

Some Unions Are Not Thinking About the Children!

Something to think about...thousands of poor special needs children are finally getting the services and education they need and deserve...what do you do? Be happy they have that chance, not even notice, or threaten to sure to make sure it does not keep happening? The last option...who would this, right? Well, an education union in Florida is! And they say they only care about the children, well obviously not! I find this completely absurd, unthinkable!

According to this Florida blog, Political Forum:

A Florida education union is threatening to sue to shut down a school choice program in the state if the program expands. They have already successfully sued to shut down a previous voucher program in the state. Basically, if "too many" families opt for school choice, the nuclear litigation weapons will be launched by the union, which is bound and determined that Floridian children be taught their way, as opposed to being taught the best way. Remember all of this the next time you hear educational unions tell you that they only want what is best for your children. Poppycock. They only want what is best for the unions' political power and for the job security of union members.

The Cato at Liberty had this to say: Keep in mind that scholarship organizations must allocate all donations to scholarships as they receive them, they can’t carry over more than 25% of donations from one year to the next, and the maximum scholarship value is fixed at $3,750 (far below per pupil spending in the public schools). So the only way the total value of scholarship donations could triple would be for triple the number of low-income families to ask for them.

So the Florida Education Association is saying that if too many poor parents want to escape the public schools and get their kids into independent schools, it will shut them and this whole program down.

Now, this brings us to Missouri. We are trying to pass a similar program, one that would give scholarships to thousands of Missouri's special needs. Lets hope Missouri will do the right thing and pass it. Those education unions are trying to stop the program from passing here. They seem to act like they are all for the children, but they are really only for the children if they can teach them their way. This is evident in Florida and it becoming evident here by the way they are trying to keep this from passing. However, the unions way is obviously not cutting it...if it were, why would people be so adamant about education reform and why would the schools and the children be failing? Absurdity is what I call it!

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