Monday, February 4, 2008

Special needs bill needs support

Tuesday, January 22nd, Senator Jason Crowell introduced a bill to the Missouri state senate that would create a scholarship program for children with special needs: Senate Bill 993.

This is great news for Missouri's special needs children, allowing their families to choose the school that is best for them. As has been shown, time and time again, when children are given access to the education they deserve, wonderful things happen. Just as Jason, the teenager born with autism featured in this blog's last post, was finally given the opportunity to play basketball and scored a whopping 20 points for his team, many other children with autism, when given a level playing court, can accomplish amazing goals of their own. We already know this. Unfortunately, some of our legislators do not.

Legislators not in favor of Senate Bill 993 are often unaware of what it takes to raise an autistic child. Many naively think that every child should be taught the same, as if children are a bland, homogeneous group, without personality, without diversity. Unless we can wake them up and show them the true nature of our children, with their wealth of spirited personalities, then this bill might not be passed.

Whether your state senator is for, or against, SB 993, letting your voice be heard is important. Below are two links to help you find your legislator’s contact information. It is best to be brief. Let them know you Support SB 993. Then give them a quick story of your child and circumstances. This will help give a face to this bill, so that it is not just a number. Let’s educate our legislators, so that they might, in turn, educate our children as they should be.

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