Friday, February 8, 2008

A Widget is born...

You may have noticed a new addition to this blog…hint: it’s over there on the right side. is casting in bronze their reputation as the Go-to site for state legislation, and recently developed a feature for bloggers who want to keep a feed of their favorite (or least-favorite) legislation. currently covers Missouri, Tennessee, Kansas, Illinois and Federal legislatures. The site offers the specifics of every bill filed and allows searching and tracking per bill, per topic or keyword, or per legislator. Statesurge offers clients a new tier of political efficacy with up-to-the-minute bill tracking, and now it’s even easier to keep up to speed with the Statesurge Board.

I’m really a big fan of this site and the new widget. I haven’t found anything that comes close to Statesurge’s system—when I’ve tried to find bills online before, I never know if it’s the latest version or what stage it’s at. This widget saves a ton of time, and makes blogging and research much easier.

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